"The shape of a dog’s face suggests how long it will live. Dogs with sharp, pointed faces that look more like wolves typically live longer. Dogs with very flat faces, such as bulldogs, often have shorter lives.""A Great Dane named "Just Nuisance" is the only dog to have officially enlisted in the Royal Navy.""Dogs who have been spayed or neutered live longer than intact dogs.""More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.""A Russian dog named Laika was the first animal in space, traveling around Earth in 1957."
"The shape of a dog’s face suggests how long it will live. Dogs with sharp, pointed faces that look more like wolves typically live longer. Dogs with very flat faces, such as bulldogs, often have shorter lives.""A Great Dane named "Just Nuisance" is the only dog to have officially enlisted in the Royal Navy.""Dogs who have been spayed or neutered live longer than intact dogs.""More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.""A Russian dog named Laika was the first animal in space, traveling around Earth in 1957."



simonlang README

This is the language support extension "simonlang".



Known Issues

Variables are not contextually understood.

Release Notes



Initial version
