"Fifty-eight percent of people put pets in family and holiday portraits.""More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.""In Australia, a man who was arrested for drug possession argued his civil rights were violated when the drug-sniffing dog nuzzled his crotch. While the judge dismissed the charges, they were later reinstated when a prosecutor pointed out that in the animal kingdom, crotch nuzzling was a friendly gesture.""Is something wet? Unlike humans who sweat everywhere, dogs only sweat through the pads of their feet.""It’s been demonstrated that dogs can reduce both physical and emotional anxiety."
"Fifty-eight percent of people put pets in family and holiday portraits.""More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.""In Australia, a man who was arrested for drug possession argued his civil rights were violated when the drug-sniffing dog nuzzled his crotch. While the judge dismissed the charges, they were later reinstated when a prosecutor pointed out that in the animal kingdom, crotch nuzzling was a friendly gesture.""Is something wet? Unlike humans who sweat everywhere, dogs only sweat through the pads of their feet.""It’s been demonstrated that dogs can reduce both physical and emotional anxiety."



Wordpress SPA with angular.js

This is a Wordpress Theme based on angular.js and V2 Wp-Api


  1. Download and Install Wordpress

  2. Download and Install Wp-Api (Tested on version 2.0-beta12)

  3. Clone this Repo into the Themes Directory ('wordpress/wp-content/themes/')

  4. Run:

    # if gulp is not alredy installed:
        $ npm install gulp -g
    # endif? :D
    $ npm install
    $ gulp
  5. Finished! The Theme should now be rendered in dist/


Here is a list of the gulp commands

$ gulp sass 
# generates the css-file from src/scss/style.scss

$ gulp resources 
# Copies everything from src/resources/ to dist/ (for images etc.)

$ gulp vendor 
# Copies and concatenates the needed dependencies from node_modules/

$ gulp js
# Concatenates the js-files in src/app/

$ gulp core
# Copies the files from src/php/

$ gulp views
# Copies the files from src/views/

$ gulp templates
# Copies the files from src/templates/

$ gulp dist
# Runs every command from above

$ gulp watch
# Watches for changes src/**/* and runs the depending Task

$ gulp
# Runs dist and starts the watch-task

Feel free to use to a full extend and have fun with it :D

If you use the Theme i would like to be linked but you don't have to

